John and K-9 Kodah
K- Kodah
When my husband was asked to write a bio, he looked at me and said, “I don’t like talking about myself”. In any other instance, I would encourage him to step out of his comfort zone and try, but I understand and respect his uncertainty with this. So let me introduce my husband.
John is a Minneapolis police dispatcher. He will hit 18 years with the department in June. If you know anything about turnover in communication centers, you know that 18 years is an accomplishment of itself. He has taken on extra responsibilities like training incoming 911 call takers and dispatchers. He is also apart of the Incident Tactical Dispatch team. He is a wealth of knowledge that anyone can turn to for advice - both professional and personal.
I could tell you about the calls he has taken, the incidents he has dispatched for, the lives he has saved and the countless times he has gone the extra mile for police officers, firefighters and the public alike - but he is humble… so he wouldn’t want me to share those stories. To sum him up - if you are a police officer, you want him in control of your channel. If you are having the worst day of your life and need to call 911 - you want him answering that call. He is professional, empathetic, patient, caring, kind and compassionate. He translates all of that into his personal life too, as a husband and as a father to our five children.
Eighteen years as a police dispatcher - answering calls and running the radio - he has literally heard it all. Every low frequency, high impact event that he has managed behind the radio has implanted itself in his mind. Never in a million years when he took a 911 call about alleged counterfeit money from Cup Foods in May of 2020 did he think it would result in his hometown precinct being set on fire. Never did he expect a summer of chaos and unrest. He never expected the historic rise in crime and violence that preceded and never did he think that it would become his operating norm.
There is very little support for the men and women behind the mic. Most don’t view them as first responders and don’t understand how they can experience trauma having never actually responded to a scene. They may not respond to the scene, but that scene is in their head and they are swappinlg out the real people experiencing it with the faces of their friends and family. They might not physically respond to a scene but they are just as involved, making split second, life-altering decisions for both the first responders and the communities that they serve. That is a weight that only the people who have done the job can truly understand what it’s like to bare.
We welcomed Kodah into our family only a week ago and already he has found his place. He is a loyal and protective companion who loves herding our children and getting bedtime snuggles. John looks forward to beginning his training with Kodah and they have begun to form an incredible bond. Our family is so blessed to be witness to this incredible gift John has been given and we are grateful to be apart of the Soldiers 6 family.