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David and K9 Lucy

K-9 Lucy

My name is David Mazzola. I was born and raised in Chicago. I moved to Minong Wisconsin when I got out of the Army. Then I moved to Duluth where I met my wife of 12 years. With our 3 children we moved to New Richmond Wisconsin 6 years ago. We added twins to our family in 2017. I am now a Comparion Insurance agent. Many hours of my day are spent talking to and building relationships to help people get the best coverage and make sure that they are comfortable in their decisions. I don't typically like to talk about myself or what I have been through so writing this bio was a bit difficult. I have a lot of time that my head and thoughts start to wonder when I am not talking directly to someone or helping them. My time in the Army brought a lot of negative images into my head that I now have to live with and some days they creep in and take over. Having a dog has always been a stress relief for me and something besides my kids and wife that can be a really good distraction to the thoughts. Having Lucy join our family was the best thing that has happened in a long time. She has proven in her short time with us to be the piece that has been missing and very needed. Soldier 6 stepped in at exactly the right time. I had been questioning how to help combat the PTSD that had been seemingly showing up very frequently lately. I had even mentioned to my wife how I thought a support dog would maybe be something that could help me get through the depressive moments. Our friends Rick and Lindsay from Cast & Hook Fishing - Combating PTSD One Cast At A Time. got us on the very fast track of connecting with soldier 6 and the process took less than a week to find and bring home my new puppy. I am excited to get her trained and working with me everyday. I am very grateful for the people that have been such a positive part of this process.

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