Dave and K-9 Schatze
K-9 Schatze
MAJ David Schlicher received a Direct Commission in the United States Army Reserve on 15 April 2009 in the Military Police Corp. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice with a Homeland Security emphasis from Excelsior College in Albany, New York. MAJ Schlicher also has an AAS in Criminal Justice from Jamestown Community College located in Jamestown, New York and an AAS in Emergency Medicine from Corning Community College located in Corning, New York. He is a certified Advanced Firefighter, a Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic, and an International Trauma Life Support Instructor. He possesses current certification in American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, and Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers. MAJ Schlicher is currently employed as a Clinical Resource Supervisor for LifeSource, the organ procurement agency for the upper mid-west. He was employed as an Operations Supervisor/Paramedic for Allina Health Emergency Medical Services in St Paul, Minnesota from January 2006 to May 2022.
Major Schlicher served for 16 years as an enlisted Soldier. In January 1993, MAJ Schlicher enlisted in the United States Army Reserve as a Medical Specialist, assigned to the 1/314th Infantry (Mechanized) in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. He entered Active Duty in September 1994. He served in several positions and locations including the Republic of South Korea, Fort Jackson, and Fort Bragg. MAJ Schlicher was assigned as the Battalion Logistics NCOIC and Assistant Military Science Instructor at Saint Bonaventure University from 1999 to 2002. MAJ Schlicher left Active Duty in 2003 and re-entered the United States Army Reserve with the 98th Training Division (IET) located in Ithaca, NY. Following his deployment to Iraq, MAJ Schlicher transferred to the 407th Civil Affairs Battalion located in Arden Hills, Minnesota in January 2006. He served as the Battalion Logistics NCOIC until re-classing to Civil Affairs Specialist in October 2007. MAJ Schlicher served as a Civil Affairs Team Chief while assigned to the 407th Civil Affairs Battalion. MAJ Schlicher received a Direct Commission as a 2LT and was assigned as a Platoon Leader with the 79th Military Police Company (Combat Support) in Rochester, Minnesota. MAJ Schlicher deployed as the Detachment Commander for Detachment 4, 79th Military Police Company (CS), deployed to Kuwait. MAJ Schlicher commanded the 79th Military Police Company (Combat Support) from September 2014 to April 2018. MAJ Schlicher is currently assigned to the 540th Military Police Detachment (Detainee Camp Liason) as the Senior Host Nation Liaison Officer.
Major Schlicher’s military education includes Primary Leadership Development Course (1997-Fort Benning, GA), School of Cadet Command (1998-Fort Monroe, VA), US Army Airborne Course (2001-Fort Benning, GA), US Army Drill Sergeant School (2003-Fort Leonard Wood, MO), Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course (2007-Camp Smith, NY), Civil Affairs Sergeant Active Duty Reclassification Course-38B30/40 (2007-JFK SWCS), Forensic Material Collection and Exploitation Course and The Military Police Basic Officer Leadership Course (2010-Fort Leonard Wood, MO), and Military Police Captain’s Career Course (2018, Fort Leonard Wood, MO).
Major Schlicher’s deployments include Operation Iraqi Freedom as a Convoy Security NCOIC for Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq in Baghdad, Iraq from 2004 to 2005. MAJ Schlicher was also deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom as a Civil Affairs Team Chief attached to 2/3 Armored Cavalry Regiment in Diyala Province from 2007 to 2008. MAJ Schlicher most recently completed a deployment, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, as the Detachment Commander for a Law and Order Military Police Detachment in Kuwait.
Major Schlicher’s awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Army Commendation Medal (w/ 3OLC), the Army Achievement Medal (w/ 6OLC), the Army Good Conduct Medal (2nd Award), the Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal (w/ 1OLC), the National Defense Service Medal (2nd Award), the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Korean Defense Service Medal, the Iraqi Campaign Medal (w/ 3 Campaign Stars), the Armed Forces Reserve Medal (w/ M device), the Combat Action Badge, and the Army Parachutist Badge. MAJ Schlicher was also awarded the German Armed Forces Badge for Military Proficiency (Gold).
Major Schlicher has four children: Thomas (25), Viktor (11), Vincent (10), and Grace (😎. His oldest son, Thomas, is currently serving in the Missouri Army National Guard as a Military Police Soldier.