Christopher and K-9 Odin
K-9 Odin
My name is Christopher, I am a Navy Veteran from the Gulf War. I served for 7 years before I medically retired and became a 100% disabled (working) Veteran. I loved my time in the military and would do it again without hesitation.
I grew up in Midway and graduated from St. Paul Central in 1989. I saw a lot of violence growing up in this neighborhood and could have went down a bad path if it wasn’t for enlisting in the Navy.
Growing up we always had dogs, from German Shepherds to Rottweilers. The dogs always loved my dad because he would carry around a treat for them in his pocket. That is where my passion for dogs and training them started. There would be days that I would leave my dog before school and he would be waiting for me in the same spot when I came home. I believe you don’t only train a dog but also the owner. I have been successful in training all of my dogs and a lot of friends and families dogs as well.
After retiring from the Navy, I moved back to St. Paul and had three beautiful children. My kids have always grown up with a dog (or two) in the house. But even with having a Rottweiler, our neighborhood just didn’t feel like a safe place to raise my kids, as there was constant violence and illegal interactions happening right in front of their face.
We have since moved to the Suburbs and have added a stepson and a wonderful wife to our family, along with 2 dogs. The kids are all flourishing and trying new things without me having to worry as much when they go outside or leave for a friend’s house.
But even with the move, I still suffer from PTSD. When someone is approaching me from behind, I feel uneasy and have my guard up. My wife and I started talking about getting a service dog for me, someone to have my six when I am alone. We got Odin and it was an instant connection. He has not only helped when people are approaching me from behind but also helps to calm me when I get worked up. Just him leaning on me and being there for me has changed my life in a way I didn’t think was possible.
I applaud Solider 6 for taking the time and energy to work with folks like me who didn’t know where else to turn.