Brian and K-9 Godzilla
K-9 Godzill
I grew up in the Twin Cities and from a young age always knew I wanted to become a cop. Around age 4 the neighborhood kids started to call me Beretta, a name a few people still call me.
After High School I attended St Cloud State University were I studied Criminal Justice. I applied to three of the largest departments in the State of Minnesota and was fortunate enough to get hired by one of them.
I worked in many different roles in my 24+ years. I enjoyed the job a great deal, especially the first ten years, I’d always say back then I would have done the job for free.
At some point things changed, I started to have crippling panic attacks, I was lucky that I was never injured as a result nor was anyone else due to my conditions. I had no control over when they would hit me, once while in full uniform and talking to a friend in a zero stress environment I had a panic attack so bad I was taken by ambulance to the hospital for fear I was having a heart attack.
This went on for many years, I missed work at times and suffered alone telling basically no one other than my trusted wife. Eventually I told a few friends and finally I reached out for professional help, I am grateful for my wife, friends and the therapist for their help. I also found a medical doctor and took medication for this and other mental health issues.
My physical health was going down hill as fast as my mental health.
I was forced to leave a job that I once loved, there’s much I do miss about the job. But there’s no doubt leaving was something I had to do for my health and to hopefully extend my life so I can spend more time with my family. There was a time when I was setting very short goals as far as the length I would be around.
Things have gotten much better, not perfect but I’m in a much better place and have reached out in the past year to old friends that I had totally cut myself off from due to my PTSD and just wanting to be alone.
I’ve always loved dogs sadly, under a year ago I lost a dog that was beyond special to me. While she can never be replaced I am excited and grateful to Soldiers 6 for the opportunity to grow with the help of my current dog.
I plan on doing everything I can so my dog and I are able to build a special relationship and she becomes my service dog. I’m very excited to start our journey, again thank you to Soldiers 6.